Some of the locals who saw the bear stuck in snow tried to help by tossing food such as a sucker fish, lettuce and Pop Tarts...
“That’s one thing that I love about greater Minnesota is that everybody’s willing to lend a hand,” Tri said. “Bears aren’t eating this time of year, but their hearts were in the right place.”
Silly old bear gets stuck in the snow...
Wildlife officials step in to relocate him.
In other news, Spring arrives on March 21. Same as it ever was.
*We had a feast day here yesterday, as it warmed up a bit and I cooked up a lot of the frozen meat in the car. Salmon salad sandwich makings for the upcoming days; I had a few $5 fillets from a past sale in the back of the car. That oil, so good for the skin... Make it a great Thursday!
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