Boston, Like Bakhmut, Has Finally Fallen...
...After a Hard Fight. The American people mourn together.
Not. Most would be hard-pressed to place either on a map, actually... but that's what we have computers (and Ukranians! ;-) for -- to do the thinking and the dying for us.
Call it entertainment. /s.
Meanwhile, at the NYT, the four new podsters (journalists) from the New Opinion section podcast (Michelle Cottle, Ross Douthat, Carlos Lozado, Lydia Polgreen) put out a Memorial Day weekend special episode yesterday discussing the end of a popular tv show.
It's on pay cable I think, and the newspapers have been really covering it like Dallas of old, when everybody was glued to their tv sets. Here we are in the 21st century... some still are.
From what I gather listening to news reports (I didn't follow the special Memorial Day podcast as I don't watch the show), it was a fictional story based on the Murdoch family media succession episode. I read about the Sultzberger's choice of the eldest son of the then-publisher son now serving as publisher for several years now -- I know there were cousins, females too, hoping for the top slot, but most often in wealthy families, they distribute to sons and first-borns first, so I'm not sure but that appears to have played a part in the tv drama.
America will return to her roots after we revise the tax system so that it rewards the makers and the idea generators, not the investor class and those riding their earlier family members' ability to grab and hold for the future. They don't know what they are doing often because they haven't worked their way up and in, and they so often screw it up after tossing the money into people who themselves take and run -- and call it "providing" for the future of their own. (Isn't anybody confident they'd raise competitive kids on their own merits, without the wealth cushion curtailing their RL hustle?)
We'll get there. Make it a great week, and remember real life always beats tv (noting wrong with a temporary distraction, for sure, but... Eyes on the Prize, my people, Eyes on the Prize. Being head of your daddy's company really ain't the end goal at all. It's just the tool to get us there.).
Rise up, and dry your eyes, Boston fans. "No Woman, No Cry."
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