Thursday, May 18

The Boomer Lady Lays Her Money on DeSantis.

 The bottom line: Would you rather see the Republicans nominate a candidate who had an exemplary family life and an agenda based on longstanding, extremely conservative beliefs? Or a guy with a sleazy personal history who’d probably go anywhere the votes were?

Well then, now we know where the loyalties of the Boomer ladies lay:  with the Trad Man candidates who present consistently as good Catholics, family men with trad wives and photogenic young children.

What Gail Collins -- and so many Boomer ladies in the New York media miss -- those who harbor long-standing personal grudges against Donald Trump ("He called me a DOG, 25 years ago when I was in my prime!  ME! A dog... #NeverForget!) ... is that Trump did not lead us to any new wars.

Your boy Biden did that.

President Trump didn't push for states to amend their constitutions to prevent abortion and deny medical services.  Your TradBoy DeSantis is doing that... effectively too, I might add.  President Trump -- rightly, many legal scholars say -- merely appointed to the Court legal practitioners who believe in Federalism -- the idea that the people in the individual states decide on matters of Health and Safety (= police powers).

President Trump and the people he appointed to the Court (the Catholic lady too, Gail!) believe in Federalism, let the religious people have their say; let their voices be heard too.  In the better states, the media understand it's the people -- via their State legislatures -- who decide the tone of the times where they live...

[That's how America accommodates different cultures and values of different peoples in different regions. So far, it's worked.  Remember the Bicentenial Year when all states were respected and public celebrated, and the media was not about sneering so much at others? Good times. 1976. Good time to be young...]

I am amazed that the people working the media do not understant this -- the Court is not anti-abortion.  Their views do not matter.  They -- rightly -- kicked a legal issue back to the states that was wrongly decided in the past based on personal issues on the Court [read The Brethren] during a time a lot of young Boomer gals were finding themselves pregnant and in need of abortions.  

Social times were different then when the Justices -- many scholars believe -- wrongly inserted themselves into the penumbra of the proceedings to find a socially-acceptable solution for the liberated social times... Now we revert to the states for a patchwork of medical rights for their citizens -- public health and safety -- as outlined in the 10th amendment and generally accepted by legal scholars who do not see a lot of unenumerated fundamental rights there that others do...

Right now, for better or worse, 

the issue of abortion restrictions -- [like perhaps gun restrictions, if you are watching closely what the Court is doing of late... just saying. "You can't always get what you want, but if you'd try Federalism sometime, you just might find... you get what you need." Not playing either. Please listen.] is the American people's decision to make via their legislatures, not the Court's.  

Women like Collins just do not want to do the hard work of convincing voters; she wants protection from Above, which only protects the people who have access to the Elite protectors tho.  Better we decide these issues together, down here, instead of asking the Elites to decide for us, and promise "protection"...

Do the work, Gail.  Or let the women coming up in different times who do not need TradMan protection do it?  You are so ensconced in the system you missed how Elite Rule made things worse for so many others who did not hit the jackpot and be chosen as one of the few lucky winners...

We just want a shot and you stacking the decks doesn't make you more competitive.  He makes you push to elect men like Ron DeSantis because you were raised that guys like him will give you security in your old age.  Don't fall for it, Gail.

Ladies like Collins should be using their voices not to fight 25-year-old personal battles ("a DOG, people.  My feelings were hurt all these years, but I waited and plotted, and I WILL have my revenge on DJT, no matter what it costs the country!).  They should be using their voices to highlight the legal actions in the better states, and to compare and contrast the outcomes in states that are choosing different public policies and values...

You gotta get in and meet people where they are at, and do some CONVINCIN', Ms. Collins.  You get lazy when you try to legislate from above the people.  You lose your true persuasive skills...

I understand.  Ms. Collins is afraid.  She saves her pennies and uses the subway, she tells us...  A nice white boy Marine who killed to protect women like her on that train from being punched in the face and saved a 7-year-old who was being kidnapped too! was charged. (Ms. Collins and her co-conversationalist Bret Stephens were missing in conversation that week, oddly...)

I get it that someone with Gail's background would feel secure physically in the presence of TradMen.  I understand why personally women like her fall for men like Ron DeSantis.  It's not what he offers, it's what their own lives lack...

Show us why a DeSantis leader would be more unifying to the country than President Trump was.  (He won't be.)  Show us why the TradMan -- in 2023 -- is the best candidate because he tells us so (that's important, a lot of self-described "practicing" Catholics out there... I think Ms. Collins identifies as one herself, in between her calls for abortion of convenience for women, and support for all the foreign wars her bosses see fit to endorse...

Go for it, Gail Collins.  Plump hard for Ron DeSantis then...

Everything evil that the media tried to warn us would happen under a President Trump -- the ladies in the media especially, the Boomers who we now see loathed Donald Trump's womanizing in the 1980s.

Everybody gets a vote.  We will have to write off the Boomer ladies like Gail Collins and Ann Althouse, who if they vote, will likely fall for the young GenXer who would bring children back to the White House (the grandmother-aged ladies without grandkids are really susceptible here, I think...)

See, under Federalism, the problem with putting an angry young TradMan conservative in office because women of a certain generation see men like that as "natural" leaders based on their 1950s TradWhite American upbringings is that all of our freedoms can be affected, even in the states that would choose otherwise...

I wish the news media would clear out all of those with pre-existing biases that they cannot overcome.  Whether it be with the ladies still clinging to their 1970s notitions of "womens lib" via special not equal rights and promotions. or the Middle-East advocates whose religious and ethnic connections to another "homeland" had them advocating for unrealistic wars that cost the country as a whole.

Not gonna happen, I know.

Sadly, with supporters like Gail Collins determined to anger the voting base that is sick of the artificial divisions being stoked in this country, I think Joe Biden will lose bigly.  And if the media is determined that Ron DeSantis is the better pick to lead the nation... well say this about the Boomers, and their offspring:  They have got the numbers over the Silent Generation and the rest of us Gen Xers who came up alongside boys like Ron DeSantis (you don't know these TradMan types like we do, Gail.  Not so cute up close...)

Yeah, he called you a dog, Gail.

Get over it.  It's not worth it to elect Ron DeSantis because years ago, your feelings got hurt.  Go get some therapy and put it in the past.  Because we are voting for the future...

And we are NOT voting for DeSantis or even a demented Joe Biden, if he cannot get the job done anymore.  You can preach at us all you want from above, but we act the lower levels too.

Go sleep in that bed with Ron DeSantis, Gail.  We see who you are now too.


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