Saturday, May 6

Well I know Jesus and I talk to God and I remember this from when I was young...

 "Thou Shalt Not Murder" is on the top 10 list of the commandments Moses delivered as Law to his people, adopted in so much of Western society, taken root in our secular legal canon.  

That a [former] servant of Caesar delivered the deadly blow makes no difference.  

The killing of Jordan Neely by Daniel Penny was not an act of justice or protection. It was neither right nor just. It was an act of aggression against a weaker man who posed no physical threat to Penny or others on that train other than their fears.

The only thing we have to fear is Fear itself...

We cannot set a precedent that allows fearful people to act first on their fears by pursuing aggression. No more pre-emptive strikes. 

It has not proven a wise course for our country in our war pursuits, nor will it well serve our people here at home.

 "When the time came and we were tested, we were not found wanting."  May it be so. 

May our American system of justice serve the most vulnerable and weakest of our minorities as well as the sons of privilege and might.  Let's be a country for good men.  Led by our wisest minds, not our most fearful...

Exodus 20:13

13 “You shall not murder.