Friday, June 30

Harvard to America:

"John Roberts has made his decision, now let him enforce it."

"We will certainly comply with the Court’s decision," the prestigious university said in a statement.

"In the weeks and months ahead, drawing on the talent and expertise of our Harvard community, we will determine how to preserve, consistent with the Court’s new precedent, our essential values."

George Will:

During oral argument in October, Harvard’s lawyer said that “for some highly qualified applicants” race can be “the determinative factor” just as being an oboe player can be if the university’s orchestra needs one. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. tartly responded: “We did not fight a civil war about oboe players. We did fight a civil war to eliminate racial discrimination.” Thursday’s ruling is a helpful skirmish in today’s intensifying struggle against progressives who, in the name of “equity,” seek not elimination but expansion of racial discrimination. 

In my opinion, the WhitePeople in power because of legacy privilege are determined to hang on to their artificial power base by controlling who ... "gets in" and is able to access the societal benefits most Outsiders can't/couldn't legally access for a long time.  If it's theirs to control, the legacy white people will let in their hand-selected jackpot winners -- but no more; don't try working your way in. no matter how good you are, that door is firmly closed to some not selected -- who are determined to uphold the system that produces such natural inequities...  

(Newsflash: It's not theirs to control.  They who have money should not be vested with all the power, particularly if the reason they have a seat at the table is because their ethics enable them to find "loopholes" others refuse to exploit because we find such compromises unethical to ourselves and undermining our communities...)

"Well it seems like I've been playing this game for way too long... and it seems the game I've played has made you strong.  But when the game is over, I won't walk out a loser, and I know that I'll walk out of here again..."