Thursday, June 29


Hunter Biden Settles Child-Support Case

The child will receive some of Hunter Biden’s paintings as part of a settlement that ended a yearslong court battle.


* I have to tell you a Family Law story. Not a client, no confidentiality. A friend of Mal's, whom I knew while I was going to law school. He too had a son at Madison, an undergrad. He owed child support.  Mark for the life of him could not figure out if he shared with his son a freezerful of venison from whatever they "harvested" (or killed, for the non PC) during hunting season, why that did not count as feeding his child...  He was sending nice frozen pieces of protein to campus for his kid to cook and consume.  Which he did.    If Mark had stayed in the home, he argued, his kid would be eating what they killed, and so he would not be feeding him a set dollar amount each month.

I got it-- understood why the courts don't accept and enforce bartering arrangements like that between divorced parents (plus students cannot live on dead deer alone) -- but never could explain it to him though, get past his logic... (and nevermind that he still was paying for the child even at college, when he was over 18.  Guys sorely sometimes just see the money going to their ex-, the enforcer or collector, when he was convinced his son would have let a debt go...)

Anway, when I read of Hunter being ordered to feed his child with his paintings, I laughed.  (I get it: this is WAY above the level of the child not being fed. Likely a determination of what Hunter Biden monthly is really worth today, and a judge trying to do right and say he's worth about as much as his current art career.  Here, Mama: share in the wealth...)  (Honestly, the child might have been better off with a 1/2 freezer full of venison behind Door #1... ;-)  Have a good evening, friends, and if you are non-threatening to me, you are my friend....