Sunday, July 16

Lot of WealthyWhiteAmericans Spending Money in Europe This Summer...

 not circulating those American dollars to their fellow countrymen here at home...

America’s Foreign Vacations Tell Us Something About the U.S. Economy

Nttawwt.  You invest in what is important to you.  Old White Wealth going out the door, vs. visiting the country where you are raising your children, outside your own regions.

Put your money where your mouth is.  They escape diversity to privilege their young people with a summer in WhiteEurope, herself diversifying.  Nttawwt.  I think the tide has turned in recent years, and less and less of those at the top are even making an issue of surrounding yourself and your own with Diversity when you can pay to escape it...

Funny how that works in reality, huh? *wink*  As for me and mine, we root for the Home Team.


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