Sunday, July 30

News in the Nation

 Doesn't it interest those of you who still read newspapers daily that Ukraine allegedly is attacking Russia proper?  Isn't it amazing that Zelensky could not afford to defend his country without international help in February of 2022, yet last week he had summoned enough munitions to allegedly take on Russia and offensively attack the superpower?

Russia Says 2 Drones Strike Buildings in Moscow in Latest Wave of Attacks

The strike was the third in the past week in Moscow, a sign of how no city in Russia or Ukraine appears to be safe from the war. Russia blamed Ukraine.


Is America paying for this? Does this come up in your personal conversation, after you talk Barbie movie, hot tv shows, sports scores, or who drives the kids to DaycareSchool and picks them up after work during the hot summer season?

I guess it's a luxury in America today to read the news and think about national priorities when you have kiddos to raise, eh?  But no concern at all about the country and the character of the world you're raising them up into?  You don't believe injustices will ever trickle down or our offensives riccochet back on us, as we prioritize weapons over people, machinery over lives?

Not sure about the rest of you, but I want my tax dollars they siphon off my income to pay for America's people.  To shore up the social-security safety net for all the disabled, and elderly and the parents and children of the immigrants coming in, as well as those comfortably settled.

We should be discussing whether it's wise to invest American tax dollars in "taking out Putin" or expanding Ukraines wars beyond its borders.  (It's not. If you can't see this, you're not a realistic fighter and will end up clowning like Zelensky:  begging others to enforce our borders because we no longer can or have the desire:  we need our Betters here to regulate the flow of workers, even if they refuse to shelter and educate them once here -- letting the taxpayers fund that locally after we pay to free Ukraine and despose Putin, it seems...)

America is using the Ukrainians, but that doesn't mean voters approve of yet another American military takedown of another country's leaders to advance Western business interests here athome.  

The media is intent to turn the 2024 race into an issue-less discussion of personalities.  "Anybody but Trump" here we go again...

Meanwhile, don't none of the ladies in the news business today follow international news?  Because they can't think, and use common-sense about what our actions portend, America should just quietly support expanding the killing?

no thanks.  Raise private funds to send to your savior Zelensky for that...

"As for me and mine..."

(Maybe Maureen Dowd -- once she's done engineering bringing the newest Baby Biden child into the fold -- could whisper into Joe's ear that the American public does not support his Russian offensive, and Zelensky best start produciong some defensive results soon driving the Ruskies out of his country because... American financial support for growing wars outside out own borders is just not there anymore.)

The immigrants who are here do not support the America-by-Force! (by god!) mantra that the Boomers and their offspring appear to have fallen under to support their comfortable lifestyles today.  If we're gonna fight and fund wars, we gotta collectively share in the pain...

Otherwise they never end.  Doesn't Washington DC know how to learn anymore, or are they all so old and wealthy that they think sacrificing up new lives to aid their own is acceptable in life?  It's isn't, and anyone with a love of justice will tell you so...

Keep listening.  


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