Wednesday, July 26

Summer Night Storms are the Best.

This one is balmy, blowing from the South.*

Exhale... cool breezes blowing in.
Thunder, feel the thunder.
Lightning and thunder.

My favorite part of this apartment, and there are many as you live in a place and grow more familiar with its features, is the sound of the rain rolling into the gutter then down off the roof. It's a metallic gurgle to accompany the constant drumming on the roof and asphalt outside...
* The long blinds are getting lift near the open window, blowing rain onto the tropicals and dancing with the ginger and lemon grass I got from an older Asian woman selling odds and ends along with her cut summer flowers at the farmers market with her adult granddaughter, who translated for us. Hmong, I think.  She had the most beautiful face, just health radiating from the cheeks and eyes -- the older woman. (The younger one was plump and had a kind face. Very patient as her grandmother made change; they always decide to give you something "extra", a dollar back from what's priced, or a free stem of something once living but freshly cut, I've learned...)  I'll try to shoot a picture of the ginger pot in the morning... best go check on it now.


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