Friday, July 7

Why Not Give Ukraine Nukes? or, "Dirty, Dirty, Dirty!"

President Biden appeared on the verge of providing 

cluster munitions, which often grievously injure civilians, 

as Ukraine’s ammunition supply runs low.


Imagine how much stronger and deadly to all they could be if, like Israel, they posssessed nuclear weapons and their neighbors knew it!  Not much, just the potential to set off a dirty bomb... maybe to actually do it?

Up the ante already, who needs cluster bombs or land mines, even white phosporus powder, if you are a superpower with nukes?  Surely Ukraine too is ready to fight for freedom, and join the club?  Give it to them.  What harm could arming up another nation to defend itself do to the natural world order?

Work your way to the top.  or partner with a strong ally who provides.  

With strength comes power.  




Make it a great day, friends.  Get out there and work like your life depends on it.  Maybe it does.  The way these leaders in legacy power are acting today, pretty soon it be "every man for hisself".  And some of you clearly aren't ready.  You've got the stockpiles, but your eyes and ears have been closed for some time...

Pray peace prevails, and wiser minds can guide our leaders in goodness toward common-sense policies that pay off, peacefully...

It's the only chance we've got because the world will always produce stronger, dirtier fighters than America in her abundance can put forth nowadays.  Our doughboys are no longer admired as saviors but as representative of a political class in America -- bipartisan -- that came up during the post-war Boom times and that is all they know...

Their children can't or won't teach their parents in America today (the money ties are simply too tight binding the generations via money transfer);  they only know how to take and transfer, not provide for the majority of the population or people not their own.

If they're unwilling to curtail jet travel or committ the resources we're allegedly told need to be undertakenn to "save the planet", what hopes do their children have?  Grab what you can while you can, and get yours while the gettings good...

The rest of us have a lot of clean-up work to do.  Give Ukraine nuclear weapons already, and let's see how Ukraine fares.   The clock is ticking toward election 2024, and Ron DeSantis has his finger on the pulse of America now.  That war, and the transfer of American billions overseas while we allegedly don't have money to help America's young people, or address our own growing classes of citizens and non-citizens here with their social needs...

That's not what young, forward-looking people do.  We invest in the future;  we're not the ones perpetuating America's past... Just sayin.  


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