Saturday, December 16

While the Hostages Wait in Vain,

 Israel uses U.S.-provided weapons to attack cemeteries in Gaza.

Their rage is real, their fear is frightening, their will to survive strong but the Israel-Defense-Force is not up to the job of fighting Hamas.  They value their soldiers' lives too much to get the job done on the battleground, and expect the U.S. taxpayers to police the world to make it safe for Israel...

They aren't known as warriors, but people who question, who build connections, who inspire hope in trade... Criticial thinking skills are important to assess your strengths and your weaknessess.  I hope the wisest of the Jewish people will reconsider the criticism that this current war the country is waging on Gaza -- not Hamas, make no mistake -- is eroding any confidence that the country can keep peace in a region where cooperation is everything, and prosperity is welcomed by all who share in the blessings of wealth, God-given or man made.

For it's a small world after all, and what is done to one's brother is often a fate shared by whole tribal communities.  Cast your nets wider and start seeing all the humans, alive and dead, as your brothers and sisters in spirit.  Don't cheer all the bodies you've slain; start saving your own by targeting the warriors who would do you harm, not the children of those you identify as "less than"... 

The Holocaust showed us the folly of such thinking.  It's a shame Israel did not heed the lesson.  Cut their allowance until they do?


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