Wednesday, May 1

Pro-Israel Instigators Attack UCLA Encampment

 After a video went viral yesterday showing a Jewish-American student being redirected to his classroom, last night the pro-Israel people attacked the UCLA pro-Palestine encampment, spraying bear spray and tossing fireworks into the encampment. It was captured live on video (below).

The young man on the news this morning explained, people were congratulating him for his video and said the violence was introduced overnight by the pro-Israel side because, "Jews in LA were fed up."  So they went in last night and attacked the tents:  throwing fireworks and chemically spraying those who left the tent encampment. 

Make no mistake: I watched the video live in the middle of last night.  The reporter did an excellent job narrating the violence... live!  The pro-Israel side attacked because they wanted the police to respond and clear the encampments.  This was a one-sided battle, with the pro-Israel agitators outside of the encampment firing mortars at the people in tents, and spraying chemicals.  Watch the videos.

Shame shame shame.  Don't pretend you don't see what you see. It's as if the IDF has taken over here in America...  Pro-Israeli demonstrators introduced the violence at UCLA, wearing white masks and attacking civilians.


Violence erupts at UCLA as counter-protesters attack pro-Palestine camp

Los Angeles mayor calls violence ‘abhorrent’ as footage shows people wielding sticks

  • US campus protests – live updates
  • The University of California in Los Angeles was reeling on Wednesday following a late-night violent attack by counter-demonstrators on a pro-Palestinian protest encampment, and a slow response from law enforcement to some of the worst violence seen since students across the US intensified their protests in support of Gaza.

    As the Los Angeles mayor called the violence “abhorrent” and California’s governor said he was monitoring the situation, UCLA announced it was cancelling all classes on Wednesday...

  • “I think all of us are in a state of shock,” said Noah, a UCLA law student who only felt comfortable using their first name.

    The chaos at UCLA started before midnight, when a masked group descended on an encampment that pro-Palestinian protesters had erected on the campus. Aerial footage showed people wielding sticks or poles to attack wooden boards that had been put up as a makeshift barricade to protect the encampment , some holding placards or umbrellas. At least one firework was thrown into the camp.

  • Fights between both groups ensued, with people grappling in fistfights and shoving, kicking and using sticks to beat one another. People threw chairs and other objects and at one point a group piled on a person on the ground, kicking and beating them with sticks until others pulled them out of the scrum.

    The LA Times reported that a group of security guards could be seen observing the clashes, but that they did not intervene. The UCLA campus police (UCPD) showed up shortly after 11pm to break up the conflict, but left within minutes, the Daily Bruin, UCLA’s student newspaper, reported.

    The UCPD chief, John Thomas, told the student newspaper that officers had come under attack while trying to help an injured person, so they left. Some of the security guards hired by the university also retreated and hid inside a building last night as counter-protesters attacked, the Daily Bruin reported.

  • Teresa Wanatabe, a higher education reporter for the Los Angeles Times, tweeted just before 1am that she was receiving texts from “terrified UCLA students” in the pro-Palestinian encampment, telling her:“This is urgent. Please. It’s getting bad. No police.”

    Administrators at the university said in a 12.40 am statement that they had called in law enforcement officers to stem the violence.

    But while Los Angeles police arrived at the scene at about 1.40am, officers did not immediately break up the two sets of protesters, and the clashes continued for at least an hour, the Los Angeles Times and CalMatters reported.

    “Counter protestors continue fighting in front of police line about 100ft away,” a CalMatters reporter tweeted shortly before 2 am. Not until nearly 3am did police take action: “Exactly 1 hour after arriving at UCLA, police move in closer and counter-protestors move away, leaving the the encampment alone.” There were “no visible arrests,” CalMatters reported, noting “counter-protesters have left”.

  • “Horrific acts of violence occurred at the encampment tonight and we immediately called law enforcement for mutual aid support,” Mary Osako, a vice-chancellor at the university, said. “The fire department and medical personnel are on the scene. We are sickened by this senseless violence and it must end.”

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  • ADDED:  From Reddit, with video (since American newspapers are not reporting on this story):

  • Dozens of protestors inside the encampment were beaten by pro Israel agitators last night. Many had to be taken to the hospital. UCLA refused to help their students. LAPD didn’t arrive until 4 hours later.

  • ------------
•--------------------------5h ago

For any of you immediately assigning violence to the pro palestinians, there you go


Exactly. There’s a livestream on YouTube that shows the whole thing from start to finish. The footage shows they were ambushed and attacked. The student protestors refused to engage. Not a single one hit back in the beginning. This only seemed to anger the pro Israel side even more tho because they weren’t getting the reaction they wanted. The students had no choice but to defend themselves when they were being attacked with fireworks, lasers, pepper spray, metal rods, traffic cones, smoke bombs and scooters.


it just absolutely blows my mind how they can see evidence on top of evidence on top of evidence piling on top of itself in front of their very eyes, and still refuse it in favor of their own sick, racist agenda


s it true that the police took 4 hours to arrive? 😩

For some reason, that particular part just breaks my heart.


Yes. It got out of hand at 11pm. A few came around 11:30 but quickly left. They didn’t return until 3am


Eye witness on the news said campus security was seen FLEEING as violence erupted. Pure cowards. All week long police are happy to stand around all day just waiting for the sign to arrest 100 peaceful protesters and then they could actually be useful and they have all run away. I wish I were surprised. They must have been trained in Uvalde.