Thursday, June 27

"I Should Have Stayed on the Farm...

I should have listened to my old man..."


Ay! Some days are diamond, some days are stone, as the sayings go...

Can't share here, but it's going to be a long few days ahead, it seems. When life comes at you -- and you think you've got right on your side, don't be afraid to fight back.

Life has learned me that. When the going gets tough, don't back down... Even if it seems simpler to wish away your troubles and let others "win", if you don't stand up for yourself now, you'll end up having to do it later in time...

Too often, TheBigGuys count on us giving in, I think. Surely if you put in the work to make your case, justice will come in time to those with whom the facts and favor rests?  Pray for me, praying people...

I got an 8 1/2 year landlord/property management company to take on... It's not fair if you pay your rent that they continually screw you, harder and harder each time.

“If you're going through hell, keep going” is a quote attributed to Winston Churchill, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The quote is said to convey the importance of hope and resilience, and can be interpreted in a number of ways:
  • Recognizing that there is a future beyond the current hellish situation
  • The pain is temporary
  • It won't last forever, and neither will you
  • If you're in a bad place, you need to keep going to get out
  • Eventually, things will improve

And of course, there's a soundtrack to the post (or two or three...) 

~Rodney Atkins. ~John Denver. ~Elton John.


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