Sunday, July 28

Israel Lives in a Defensive Crouch...

 ping-ponging from one military confrontation to the next. An alleged attack on Druze Israelis necessitates an attack on Lebanon, where Hezbollah is sheltering, all the while Israeli leaders talk about wrapping up operations in Gaza, although the hostages have not been rescued or returned nor Hamas eliminated.

The truth is: Israel would most benefit from peaceful boundary-making, as well as its neighbors.

Anyone reading newspaper headlines over the past 50 years understands the Middle East problem will not be resolved via weapons on a battlefield. The end will come just as the creation of the State of Israel began: on paper, negotiated...

Wiser minds need prevail. The US military hardware pipeline to the region must end. Washington's current crew is complicit in all the human death and environmental destruction. We cannot keep turning away while the world waits for leadership to emerge...

Geopolitically, the US is lucky. Israel not so much. The survival techniques "over there" -- huddle under an Iron Dome and proactively protect yourself from attack by going on the offense ever so often, with your sons and daughters as permanent military conscripts -- are not shared in a diverse welcoming democracy like the United States, with a Constitution that protects civilian rights.

Israel should emulate the United States. We in turn should stop arming up Israel for endless wars. Stop Investing in Abusurdities. That is a losing fight... It has weakened the United States and our people. Our shared American values need to prevail now.

Israel Returns Fire After Deadly Rocket From Lebanon Hits Soccer Field

The overnight strikes, a response to a rocket attack from Lebanon that killed 12 people in an Israeli-controlled town, stopped short of a major escalation.