Wednesday, July 24

We're coronating Netanyahu in Congress today?

Slow news summer, sure, but you'd think there would be more behind-the-scenes coverage of this historic visit by Israel's leader while... America flounders helplessly in the water, with no one at the rudder today guiding our motions as we are acted upon by "forces of nature" out of our control.

Meanswhile, the IDF slaughtered scores of Palestinian people in the past days by bombing facilities like United Nations facilities where they have been sheltering...

The IDF is not eager to get into the tunnels they have uncovered to pursue Hamas terrorists or Israeli- or American-Israeli hostages, even as America finances the ineffective bombing from above. 

Until America stops funding the Israeli military -- and the "humanitarian" absurdities like the Great Pier build/rebuild efforts -- there will be no strategic progress except death of civilians, hostage deaths in captivity, and more encroachment and seizure of Palestinian land under the watchful eyes of the current US leadership.

I wonder what dancing orders Mr. Netanyahu will issue to our alleged Congressional leaders here at home in DC today?  What will he chew up and spit into the media mouths to feed their current "war" coverage? (Can it really be a war if only one side is armed, and the other really is showing little interest in defeating terrorists who criminalized a music fest and invaded homes in October? Get get the bad guys, IDF conscripts? Leave those kids alone? "All in all you're just another brick in the wall" like the great Floyd song goes...)

Dare the collective American press today take a moment from slobbering over his ring to ask Netanyahu about the most recent land grabs, and if those high death scores of well... scores of lives have overriden the desire to see those Israeli civilians still held in captivity be freed?  Does taking more Palestinian land and killing Palestinian civilians in such unwonten war methods (the IDF is writing their own rules as they merrily roll along...) justify the loss of Israeli life?  Have people been appeased, had enough of the spilling of innocent blood to avenge their "side" of humanity? 

Are the Jewish (and Jewish American) hostages being sacrificed by Israel and America now for Israel's greater good, to expand that country's borders by any means necessary?  Martyrs not for the faith so much, but for The Promised Land?

Will any members of the US press point out that... well Netanyahu's military instincts are lousy, his tactics are not working... will any members of the US press ask today about the fate of the hostages, including those American-Israeli citizens left behind as the IDF obliterates parts of Palestine and seizes land, but still has not defeated Hamas, nor delivered live or dead hostage families to their people who remain waiting in hope for the coming of that day.
