Sunday, August 11

So if Ukraine is Attacking Russia with American-Supplied Arms...

Zelensky confirms troops fighting inside Russia...

Unprecedented offensive caught Moscow by surprise...

Blows up rig in Black Sea killing 40 soldiers...


Belarus rushes troops to border...

China just learned that snatching territory by force pays off -- and pays off big... 

...can we complain much if Russia attacks a medium-sized East Coast city in the United States, say? (ever seen "Fail Safe"?)  If we're at war with Russia now, aren't they at war with us as well?

Tell me because I missed it:  when did the United States Congress officially declare war on Russia and Palestine?  Because the American people, who elect the representatives responsible for declaring war, will vote out all those Congressional reps that did.

Make no mistake:  we are not an endless-war people.  Geopolitically, we are not Israel.  We are a big country, protected by two oceans, a self-funded military, and a history of goodwill to the world mostly.  

I pity Israel, warring with all her neighbors on all sides and still desperate to grab more land and convince religious settlers the world over that this land is their land because G-d promised it to them as a religious state if only they followed his commandments.

But they haven't -- "Thou Shalt Not Kill" -- and another covenant replaced the special one they had with their G-d:  He opened the door to salvation of ALL people who call on His name...

The sooner America casts off the foreign interference in our own government, and either declares wars or stops finding attacks on sovereign nations that would not be happening without U.S. support, the sooner we can live in peace, happiness and prosperity in our own lands, focusing on our own borders, defense and future.  We're losing here at home because we continue pumping billions in tax dollars into these losing wars abroad.

When will the American leaders learn?  The American people do not include Israelis.  Our interests have diverged now.  We should not be attacking other countries without expecting similar attacks to be visited upon our sovereign nation.  Just like we should not be applauding assassinations of foreign leaders and not expect that people will also come for ours...

"Do Unto Others" and don't whine when others do unto us what we've done unto them.  #CHANGE