Tuesday, August 20

So Much for Change...

 The Dems had to drag HRC out of the shadows and put her up on the big stage on the first night telling us about history and gender?  Please. She lost.  Go away now, Clintons, like the Bushes.  You've helped enough. Your time in the spotlight is done.  We are sick of losing and people like you helped yourself, not the Dem party.

Go away now, Hillary.  Learn to knit and make some booties and hats for your grandchildren?  We've got this now.  IT's hard to clean up the Boomers' messes when they keep at it!  First job: extricate America from Israel so the world is safer and Israel learns to stand alone against an armed opponent attacking it at home.  Good luck.

Don't let the Clinton or Bush generation of DC warriors drag Americans into another war we cannot afford to lose.  Vance doesn't get it, he's so busy bragging about serving six months in Iraq.  We lost there too.