Saturday, August 17


Kamala Harris and the Return 
of ‘Tough on Crime’ :
Over her career, her rhetoric has tracked the national mood. So do Americans now want a prosecutor-in-chief? 53m ago

* I don't think it's that so much, but that she approaches the starting gate without the baggage of past liberal candidates that they "don't get it" and are "soft on crime" = kinder to the criminals, thus making more victims of hard-working citizens just trying to get by in less affluent areas than most politicians know...
She is also-- wisely imho -- not making a big deal of her gender, or race or ethnicity, for that matter.  That's sophisticated -- acting like you been here. 
Look ahead -- we really care about where we are going #together, not so much where we've each been...
#AmericaOneForAllAndAllForOne! ;-)   
*that line's not mine...