Friday, August 16

"We Gonna Rock Him. We Gonna Roll Him. We Gonna Teach Him that LOVE will make him tall..."

 POP goes the music...

A little Prince to start the day as the nation turns its war-weary eyes to Chicago, where the new Dems are seizing hold of the agenda from their tired elders tossing the torch into the future and hoping for the best.

Chicago was once solid blue-collar, with a minority of white-collar businessmen in power perhaps, but the workers had their say in running the city:  their people in politics, their patronage rewarded...

It was a mutually beneficial system in the City that Worked.

Some say the old Dems -- those chasing money and keeping their hands clean, if only literally -- chased out the workers, the whites, the foot soldiers from the party.  Bush and his allegedly patriotic wars that destabilized sovereign nations and cost our own country so much picked up a lot of disgusted former Democrats early in this century.  

Like JD Vance, they were fooled into thinking dressing our country in battle fatigues and juicing up appetites for military adventure would show our country's strength.  Wrong again. 

What America needs now is to rebuild our sense of community, by growing local ties between residents.  Congress abdicated its duty long enough:  job number one should be a comprehensive immigration policy that treats American workers with dignity and empowers them to protect workers' rights on the job. (Trust me people with their noses up in the air?  If you have workers whose voices are heard on the production lines, your own health is better off down the line.  If you don't understand that and think you are profiting off of squeezing every penny out of those who work in this country for you... permit me a moment here to laugh at your ignorance.  Those who would want unlicensed and untested drivers on our roads (driving next to your precious child) or unfed students in the schools (sitting next to your child maybe?) or workers in the back of the restaurant, unseen and unheard, doing what they are told and not following rules written only in English say... only undercut our country.

If people are good enough to work for you, they're good enough to have the same worker and civilian protections as your own children, who likely could not do a chore to save their own lives.  You spoil them in raising them like that... ignorant of real-life work.

I'm sorry but people are indeed going to have their feathers ruffled in coming years as our country grapples to make this place a land of opportunity and rewards its workers who contribute.  Stop trying to silence others and start working harder for what you want.  Nobody is going to deliver it to you anymore.

Times are changing like that.