Thursday, March 20

THE POLITICS OF the Obama predicament. "I think the "O'Mentum" has been stopped dead in its tracks."

Weirdly, the "O'Mentum" ceased on St. Patrick's day . . .

No, Glenn. More accurately, the momentum was well stopped by March 4. The free ride he was given during February -- ironically Black History month* -- came to an end much earlier than March 17. Just takes a while for some of those "Instant" commentators to catch up to the story, is all...

*Remember just a few years ago, when the hope was we could rise to the level throughout the 12 months of the year to incorporate "black" history, and the achievements of "black" scientists, leaders, and Americans into the curriculum as a whole? Not that it should be phased out those special February acknowledgements, just that they would fall to the wayside as there was no need to have solely one "special" month, when such recognition was woven well into the fabric of the entire year and history of the country.

It was around the time many were hoping there would be no special sections in the bookstores for "gay" authors, but that they too would be incorporated on the regular shelves. Readers reading for quality of content, not the author's private life details. Sadly, identity politics is re-emerging, and will continue to live so long as there are those "stars" who profit by its continual exploitation. Sullivan, Paglia, and now in his choice of Christian leadership, it appears, Barack Obama. The first two need to continually flout their sexuality in their "work" to get ahead (Note to Camille -- you had the hots for Elizabeth Taylor. We get it. And many people think John O'Hara first, not ET, when they think Butterfield 8. The culture continues to cheapen...) And in the Illinois senator's case -- a church where he could cement his "blackness" for political gain -- in order to advance more quickly in Chicago politics.

I wonder how far back, how much internal damage will be sustained from these decisions to exploit the special interests cards, and continually let us know what exactly it is that makes one special and sets him off from other workers in the field. Without their public sexuality, Paglia and Sullivan don't have much... Without his biracial background, Obama would still be toiling in the legislature. Best to earn your way up, I think, and not take the easy path that allows you to advance past others putting in their time and work too in reaching for the prize.

After all, the quality usually ends up lacking in the final product. And it's hard to spin results, final scores, so to speak...


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