Tuesday, August 25

Looking good.

How 'bout that Bob Herbert? Variations on a theme...

I awoke to rain again today, but picked out the ripe Romas yesterday into three bags. Two where the skin looked good all the way around*, one where I would have to cut out the blemishes in blanching.

(Btw, this is not my full time job, this garden, in case it's sounding that way. Just hard here to share details of other work pursuits, naturally. Oh also, no nobody I know's expecting, in case all that "new life to come" theme here lately is coming across that way...)

I've given up on the idea of canning all these tomatoes, though. Going to go the freezer route now, stock for chili, soup and sauces, I think. Good hobby, this gardening. Keeps one busy outside in the off hours.

Happy Tuesday to ya.


*I've heard the tomato skin holds many of the vitamins, so you don't want to necessarily discard that, even when freezing.