Tuesday, October 26

Roadside Reminders.

Nevermind politics -- and if you don't want to go to all that trouble mentally tuning out all the spin that money can buy (legally, First Amendment principles and all.)-- why not... just turn off your tv(s) in the coming days, and don't pick up the phone?

And don't open your doors, if you live in places where candidates can come a-callin'. Otherwise, just hunker down.*

Mother Nature is reminding some of us today: her storms may be less predictable and more potentially deadly the consequences, but just as natural a cleaning with the high winds and heavy rains, as the storms expected to sweep through the nation next week.

With good judgment and our neighbors' help as needed though, we'll come through it no matter what. (That's not being boastful either. That's being an American.)


* We -- the People -- we're more powerful than men like Egan give us credit for, I think...

Or at least, less unpowerful if we're still free to think and consider logically the Scare Messages these powerful Big Buck special interests are allegedly serving up ... for both sides.

Of course, that goes back to Brooks' (copped) point: it's rather condescending at this late date especially, to still be assuming that Big Bucks are influencing the popular pushback that we are seeing in this election...

Maybe people are just rejecting -- and never ordered in Nov. 2008 either -- expansion of bureaucratic programs, via the healthcare mandate that wasn't even on the table as one of President Obama's platforms at the time he was running for the job.

Or maybe we're all just being hypnotized by those tv ads.

Geez, it's like some folks out there (maybe it's a one-percenter thing?) actually believe that money necessarily buys superiority, and the little guy with lesser capital & connections never pulls out a win based on raw skills and consistent talent and delivery.

Luckily, some of us out here know better. (Even Nature herself often pulls an upset, you know.)