Friday, August 12

Krugman bemoans his lack of persuasive skills...

I have no hope of actually getting through with this, of course. For to actually understand what people like me are saying, we’d have to get past crude slogans and simplistic nostrums. The problem is obvious.

Or: gee, I wonder why those dumbbells just can't understand where I'm coming from? It's like the evil Republicans, with mush for brains, just don't even try to listen to me anymore. Ditto those dunderhead Dems, who continue making bone-headed false moves. What a joke! (as my colleague David Brooks likes to say)

What, oh what, will it take for all those stupid people not in my immediate circle, and definitely operating with a few screw loose, to be persuaded by my words? Why oh way, with all the brains in my oversized noggin and that shiny prize sitting on my mantle, are they simply too inherently? stupid to understand me???

because deliberately insulted people tend to catch on and generally stop reading at some point... (He seems to want more to score points than to help make any real change that might benefit the country as a whole -- the poor AND the middle/working class who are not eligible for the handouts, nor the corporate excesses.)

That's why Jesus spoke in parables, afterall. Say what you like about rejecting his message though: he knew how to speak to the common people, and not only did they listen to him, but they took up his "fight" even after he was gone, so strong and persuasive were the powers of those stories and words he left them.

Krugs, you're no Jesus Christ, surely. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) But to insult as broadly as you do, and to have that Enron advising stint in your past, people simply don't trust you, and steer clear when you're citing them for things they know they are not guilty of. You simply misunderstand, and attribute false motives to your misunderstandings.

Must be frustrating. Like knowing the way out of the dark forest, but having no one willing to sign up and make the leap of faith to set off in that direction with you...

(Again, truly hope this helps.)

Current events example:
I’m coming in a little late on already-famous Romney remark that “corporations are people“. It was an incredibly dumb thing to say. of course, he wasn’t really saying that legal persons in the form of corporations are real people. But he doesn’t deserve any slack on that account, because his real point was equally wrong, albeit in a subtler way.
So Romney’s remark may not have been as stupid as it sounds, but it was deeply wrong all the same.

Something tells me, Krugman the independent economist will be as welcome in a Romney adminstration as he was well received in an Obama one...

Too smart by half.


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