Tuesday, October 4

The Race Card, The Gay Card...

and now, longstanding liberals must play The Mormon Card ... against frontrunner Mitt Romney. Sad sad sad what we descend to, eh Susan, when we view all of politics as "games". (and increasingly, you're found wanting on the merits.)

(Funny, but if it were a Jewish card being played, I think she'd be the first to stand up and object. Call it a hunch...)

There was a reason (or a host of them) why he didn't get the nomination last time. It certainly wasn't because of any love affair between conservatives and John McCain. Frankly, it's not at all clear to me that Republicans, much less the country, will support a Massachusetts Mormon who used to be a moderate. I'm from Massachusetts, the home of liberals and lobsters. I have nothing against Mormons or moderates. But then, I'm a liberal who likes lobster.

Appealing alliteration, all righty, but please: other than the increasingly desperate libs, who is saying that Republicans would choose not to vote for the best qualified candidate based on his private religion?

Just pointing out the facts here.

She concludes (because criticizing, that simply won't work for even one column, you know. Might be used against Him.)
It's true that many people are disappointed with Barack Obama. But it's also true that when compared to the Republicans, at least as of today, he looks pretty darn good.

Yep. Compared to those ... LDS believers, that is. (You can almost hear the scorn in her voice.)


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