Speaking of...
"The Mormons apparently believe that Jesus will return in Missouri rather than Armageddon: I wouldn’t care to bet on the likelihood of either. In the meanwhile, though, we are fully entitled to ask Mitt Romney about the forces that influenced his political formation and—since he comes from a dynasty of his church, and spent much of his boyhood and manhood first as a missionary and then as a senior lay official—it is safe to assume that the influence is not small. Unless he is to succeed in his dreary plan to borrow from the playbook of his pain-in-the-ass predecessor Michael Dukakis, and make this an election about competence not ideology, he should be asked to defend and explain himself, and his voluntary membership in one of the most egregious groups operating on American soil," - Hitch.
Didn't that deliberately offensive Englishman Christopher Hitchens die of cancer already? Poor fella -- his last gasps at life, clutching to bring others down, still thinking this somehow elevates him from his own petty fate...
RIP sweet suffering soul...
Rest in Peace?
(The country -- this country -- will be in good hands, long after you are gone. Why not make the most of the remaining days, and leave the political pontificating to those with stake in the future? You've "helped" enough already, really, now focus a little bit on your own neglected self?)
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