Tuesday, January 24

Andrew and Althouse on Romney's Taxes

Remarkably sane! Imagine that...

It seems to me that this is not about Romney and shouldn't be about Romney. He broke no laws; he seems admirably charitable; his massive wealth is not a marker against him.

The issue is the system.

I pay all the taxes that are legally required and not a dollar more,” Mr. Romney said during Monday night’s debate. “I don’t think you want someone as the candidate for president who pays more taxes than he owes.”
Exactly! The question isn't what he paid — unless he cheated — but what his tax policy for the country would be.

Good for those two!
If anyone would play this issue for performance art, I suspect (raggedy?) Ann and Andy would be the two bloggers to do it. Still, I suspect the tax system treats them ... veddy, veddy good as well, considering what they take home for the work they do.

(and no. For the record? That's not coveting, either. ;-)


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