Thursday, June 28

Odd Takeaway.

"Why Same-Sex Catholic Schools -- despite offering outstanding educations -- are Not Recommended for Your Boys..."

They never learn to work well with women.
Either overly confident in their innate superiority, or (like I think what happened here) overly deferential to the views of women as a collective, not wanting to be seen as a cold heart.

I have no doubt that Sotomayor, Kagan, and Ginsberg (likely Stephen Breyer too) used their feminine wiles, and empathatic personal stories (think of the suffering, John, in need of our help.  Only we can save them now...) like the ones the president's been pushing.

When you resort to emotion over logic,
when you're wishy washy and not sure of your own legal moorings, let's just say I think those women did a number on his head.

Send your sons to public, or private co-ed schools.
They need to learn how to work with the (alleged) ... fairer sex as soon as possible.

No more of this special deferential stuff, not when it's going to be so costly to so many unconsuming others down the line...