Whose Skirt to Hide Under Now?
Here, everyone was predicting it would be Hillary's.
But Candy stepped up to provide a way for the president to demonstrate his continued ability to lead from behind...
"Can you say that a little louder, Candy?"
The funny thing is,
once the media gets over the semantics-playing games (terrorist act v. acts of terror), maybe they'll ask:
If the president indeed believed these acts were committed by terrorists and not an unruly crowd moved by a cheap video, why would he care at all if it was indeed terrorists motivated by the movie?
Something still doesn't add up there.
Obama was asked point blank "was this an act of terror?" after September 12. It defies all logic to think he labeled it an act of terror September 12th and then refused to for the next two weeks and put more focus on a bogus video claim.
Hopefully the media still has time -- pre-election -- to ask where the conflicting storiues originated and whether or not Ms. Rice was acting on her own initiative -- if indeed she wields that kind of power within the administration -- to push the narrative she continued to push, even post Rose Garden messaging.
This semantics game is also very familiar, you'll recall...
Labels: We Deserve Better.
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