Tuesday, August 14

What if the U.S. Media Threw a Race-War Narrative...

but the rest of the country took the summer weekend off and refused to play along?

Hope yours was a happy,
and healthy!, one...

Make it a Great Rest of the Week!

* Good Job, Team America! ;-) Let 'em wait for the class warfare to up their stock profits; something tells me Mr. von Sulzberger the 8th won't be as happy to hype that one...

ADDED: I've not heard many people discussing Alex Jones in my life, but I must say: the man is a master marketer. All the newbie national tech writers who have been plumping for Jack Dorsey at Twitter to "do something! Protect us from hurtful words!" have given that man and his show untold free publicity. And they're really embarrassing as "journolists" too: "Jack, Jack! Call meeeee! I need an interview: why oh why haven't you banned and censored Alex Jones yet??? Jack, Jack... can you hear me??"

I remember the old days of journalism, before the social media skills came in, when the stories sold themselves. That was before Journ-o-List. (What was the common denominator amongst the chosen Listers there, again?) I can see the self-pimping, sure, some people really want to live forever through ... Fame! But I suspect they've no idea the true costs of making themselves the stories, and their own...

First and foremost, in covering themselves, and pinning the stories to the narrative, they are sure missing covering the important, non-fake news in this country. And around the rest of the world...
