Thursday, March 12

Here Come da Hype...

Trump’s Re-election Chances Suddenly Look Shakier

The NYT takes a break from it's non-stop Coronavirus panic, to show us their hand.  The media will again lose -- like they did with the Russian hooker-Obama bed hoax; like they did telling us the Russians stole our election;  like they did with their impeachment shenanigans... and now the cancellation culture takes the nation by storm.

Except globalists do not run America;  American citizens are still in control in a good part of the country.  We don't let our fellow Americans shit on streets, we don't promise "free" good health to anyone with an insurance card, and we know that we are all going to die one day, and we're not going to spend our lives hiding, panicking and "self isolating" as protection from an overhyped virus released upon us.

We are Americans. We will survive.  We will bury our minimal numbers of dead (like we do every flu season), and continue on without cancelling our daily lives and culture.  Somebody get the word to the panicking coasties:  you will not replace us.