What If...
the federal government offered a "buy out" for workers of all stages and ages that would allow them to access their Social Security earnings or a minimum monthly "wage" to unofficially retire from the economy? Would that free up job slots for newer, more skilled workers with fresh ideas and unique talents that are being overlooked as seniority and connections suck up most of the top slots?
Would enough workers unencumbered by family or mortgage expenses be able to commit to living off a lesser income that could be supplemented by above-the-table, part-time or seasonal work? I am imagining a $2,000 basic monthly retirement "wage" or whatever your Social Security earnings would be, whichever number is greater...
It seems to me that "buying out" as many unencumbered, independent workers who could live simply on the lesser non-working wages, and have more time to contribute in their communities, to their families, or in pursing non-immediately paid long-term interests might be a long-term plus in this economy.
Those with families, properties and bills for expenses they have already undertaken likely would never be able to live on a non-working wage. They need to continue making the big dollars, because they have already committed to big expenses, families, properties, health-care expenses, vacations/travel/luxuries, etc.
But not everyone is in that boat. Instead of forcing people into poverty to let them live simpler lives and stay closer to "home" with their own, I think we should entertain the idea of opening up the Social Security system to all workers at this time of pandemic, because I don't think there are that many who would agree to "retire" early, but some would.
And perhaps, it would benefit society overall if they were permitted to rely on their own independent lifestyle skills in today's new economy, with a very minimal cushion underpinning their existence that would free up a workslot for someone likely younger and still in need of the workplace growth opportunities to build their lives.
Let's grandfather more workers into "retirement", where their daily skills and talents can be more useful to society than in paid-wage roles in our often cruel capitalistic economy. At younger ages, these non-workers can contribute more and live longer, on lesser payments, than working full time until the 60s, and only then having more than one knows what -- practically -- to do with...
Early retirement on minimal dollars would take lifetime practicality training and budgeting skills nonpareil, but reward those who consume less and live more efficiently than most. Why not?
If not now, when?
What if?
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