Friday, June 5

If George Floyd were still working...

he'd likely still be alive today. He said he loved Minneapolis, and working up here.

Never underestimate the security of routine and having a job that pays regularly, even a little. Take that away, and a man is reduced to stealing cigarettes, and flopping about getting messed up midday.

A job is security and routine.
It is money coming in...
It is people you know,
a place to go to...

Work is also a place where a lot of social mixing in America goes on... Blacks, whites, ethnics, straights, gays, rich, poor, privilegeds, independents, hometown boys and girls, newcomers from elsewhere, religious, non observants, parents, singles, single parents, etc etc etc.

Too many privileged whites take that for granted.
The power of a job. The power of working for pay.
Trump gets it though.

Maybe that's why he is the President of the United States, and you're not?
A job for every family!  (and a family member always in the full-time job in the home of raising offspring, caring for elder family members.  Don't cost-shift your family costs onto society as a whole.  Working people don't want to pay for your family needs, children or elders... Budget, budget, budget.  First get your priorities in place, white people, then pay for your own.  If you want to help eliminate the entrenched systemic racism that relies on inherited white privilege and unfair wealth transfers, I mean...)

Nevermind, you just wanted to rag on the cops, and tell them they're doing a poor job in your privileged white society.  I get that too. Your sense of an entitlement that will never end...

Say, is that white guy -- Sulzberger is it? -- still in his inherited position of privilege at the New York Times?  Or have the social justice gods convinced him to step down, and take the crew of white fellas he brung in with him out?  James Bennett, Ben Smith, etc etc.

Why haven't the white privilege at the top there stepped aside in favor of the minorities that have always been discriminated against in white business and industry?  Does he not practice what his paper preaches?  Do the Jews not consider themselves white?  Are they waiting for more... internal encouragement/destruction before they find their ways to the doors?

Believe you me, I don't subscribe to the justice by force methods.
But goose... gander.  Where are the NYT black staffer demands for leadership that represents them, not a privileged family that has been passing their privileges at the expense of rule-playing immigrants and others for decades?

Justice for all, young Mr. Sulzberger...
Your skin is white too, remember.