"He Won't Eat It. He Hates Everything..."
Mikey Kaus, a pundit, thinks the Republican party should Dump Trump to win the presidential election with... Mike Pence? Mitt Romney? Tom Cotton?
Nope, we loyal will stick with who brung us...
Questions the pundits should be (and will be) asking soon:
In times of pandemic, do people want to elect Joe "I really like China" Biden?
Do old people game pollsters the way young people on Tik Tok gamed Trump rally tickets?
Isn't this really as good as it gets for Biden? ONce that VP pick comes in... either she's under-qualified to be a heartbeat from the presidency and picked solely on sex/race qualifications (illegal in most hiring situations), or the blacks are disappointed if he doesn't choose one of them...
weren't we always told that people vote FOR a candidate, not just against another? Are the youngsters really going to turn out for old Joe? He won't do something to put them off OldWhiteMen who have been in Washington politics FOREVER, before the election?
Sorry, Joe has just too much baggage to work with in his career. Eventually, it will come down to issues. Who locked up all those black men again? Joe and the Clinton's, was it, with their big crime bill that over-incarcerated drug users and destroyed families by removing men from the homes?
Does Joe have passionate supporters like Trump, or are they just passionate Trump haters? The media indeed is trying to appeal to self-professed "swing voters" who like to jump on a winning bandwagon. If they keep telling us Trump is a Big Loser whom only racists like, some dummies will believe and hop on the Biden bandwagon. But some voters are realistic, and not so much hating Trump. They are more likely to stay home, or vote Trump, than Biden I think...
Long way until November.
Another economic bailout package, pushed by the President and a bipartisan Congress? Yes, the CoVid numbers are up, but those protests just happened really, in the life cycle of an epidemic. That's how transmission happens, friends.
Don't write Trump or the Trumpsters off yet. You don't want to go back to the internationalist America of the New Democrats, do you? Does America mean something, or are we just a commercial clearinghouse now? I suspect -- immigrants and blacks are more conservative than many think, and don't expect to fare well under the progressives.
It's still a competitive race, especially in the Swing States where people believe in symbols like the flag, statues and religious imagery. I suspect many who understand 1619 also still love this country and think it more than something to be tossed on the trash bin.
Are you with us? Or against us? "You'll never be one of them, Rolf..." The family man, Captain Von Trapp knew of what he spoke... Rolf should have listened to him.
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