Git R Done: Trump and Pelosi Put America First.
What greater crowning glory -- for both him and her* -- than to come together, right now, to pass even a pork-laden bill that helps working Americans (and totally non-working ones too) in our pandemic emergency?
Maybe McConnell won't like it. Washington won't like it (they'd rather spend on their own pet projects...). Rentiers posing as economic conservatives will surely have a fit. And the pundits will fill their airwaves and column inches going this way, and that, on such a partnership in practicality.
But the markets will love it. And those in need, and all those whose livelihoods depend on American workers having paycheck protections in their pockets, will love it. It's gonna happen. And soon...
Because Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump love America like that and want to see her pull through these hard times. History will be kind to both of them if they can just put their noses to the grindstone now and see this through.
*Don't Believe me, just watch...
("Girl, Hit Your Hallelujah...")
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