Monday, October 5

Make America Great Again, 2020 = The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself...

 Protect the elders.  Get the children back to school. Put able-bodied workers back to work, and keep a spare parent in the home. Let's make that an affordable option too. (Day-care centers and after-school programs are risky business where too many kids congregate in non-school settings. Allow an opt-out option for those who fear their children returning to school? But open the schools again for those who can take care of their own at home in the non-school hours.) Revive the economy with a healthy stimulus going into the winter months...

Do you really want Biden-Harris "leading" the nation forward?  Where has Joe Biden, or the Congress been, for the past 20 years?  Definitely not leading the nation anywhere...

Think on these things. Then, VOTE!