"Nothing You Can Write That Can't Be Run..."
Three steps ahead is no way to go through life really... It gets lonely here sometimes. Waiting for other folk to catch up. Being chastised for foresight and forethought -- the ability to think ahead. You johnny-come-latelies are just starting to fight battles that were lost long ago (ie/ = the time was then, before we surrendered to the platforms. Maybe worshipping technology over humanity isn't a good thing?) ( or, and it was so obvious to all thinkers at the time: You will never impose democracy by invading other countries and trying to impose from without what they don't have the will to do within...)
God help the country if the Democrats and their Washington enablers retake power. The world will have us by the nuts then, and if you don't think we'll be fighting battles not our own, you should have your eyes checked...
Hmm. China is so much better at invading than we Americans. Sad! Remember too: Vote! Vote Blue, like the stuff they put in the toilet water to make it go down prettier...
The country is going under, but it's all good if your own stocks are going up, remember.
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