Wednesday, July 14

Open Borders and Central American Drug Cartels

 The product has to come into the country first for consumers here to ingest the unregulated product and overdose.  Open borders should be on the list of contributing factors, and the entrepreneurship of those drug cartels building business north of the border...

Push the right products, with the typical American's quick-fix healthcare drug regimine, and these guys have got to be pulling in millions, maybe billions, a year.  And who's stopping them?

"Deaths from drug overdoses soared to more than 93,000 last year... The death toll jumped by more than 21,000, or nearly 30 percent, from 2019..."

"The increase came as no surprise to addiction specialists, drug counselors and policy experts who have watched the steady rise in deaths throughout the pandemic.... ... 2020 brought the added complications of a worldwide viral pandemic. Health care resources were stretched and redirected toward the emergency. Anti-addiction medication was more difficult to obtain. Stress increased dramatically."

WaPo reports.


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