Nobody in the New Post-War America Supports Unlimited Occupations and Never-Ending Wars...*
... except maybe the military adventurers, (and defense contractors/lobbyists/neocons), who like the job security and don't want to put away their toys and come home to peacetime and boring civilian jobs already. #TimesUp
Basically, they will now have to send in several thousand troops to evacuate the embassy, which needs to be evacuated because Biden decided to withdraw... several thousand troops.
* Don't look now, but that's unconstitutional, always has been. One day, Congress in the New America will gladly seize back its powers, instead of meekly surrendering so many of their prescribed duties... Defending Afghanistan, permanently or not, is not one of them. (and don't look now, but neither is permanently defending Israel. I suspect we'll eventually get to that in New America too, but first things first...)
I agree though: the embassy and all remaining Americans who wished to leave should have already been evacuated, before the final troops left. #GetInGetOutGetEmHome #NotOurCulturalWarNeverWas #MissionaryWorkNotSoldierPlay
Added: And the Biden administration best not be thinking of letting the Pentagon talk him into war games with Iran. We've learned over these past administrations. Hopefully hour leaders have better learned to follow the American people, not the lobbyists/experts/neocons who would scare us silly into unlimited spending, militarily, to save the world. #BeenThereDoneThatNotAgain
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