Monday, September 20

The News Media Has Failed Us...

 Too many journalists today came up trained as waitresses:  trying to please the people they are serving, so they get the "tips".  There's not a Sam Donaldson amongst them -- asking hard questions and following up, but damned if they can't re-write a press release quickly on deadline, maybe personalize it with a few "unnamed" sources ... and publish! Easy peasy.

Meanwhile at the border today...

Just as I suspected, as common sense indicates, the Haitians who landed in Haiti on Sunday did not realize where they were headed.  A bit like the Jews boarding the Nazi trains for the camps, I think.  Had they known, it's human nature to believe they would have fought tooth and nail not be be "processed" and transported voluntarily like that to a dead-end destination...


A few weeks ago, we saw organized social campaigns online to save the lives of Afghan women and children.  But because they are black, there's no media outcry about the plight of these refugees.  And because the president is a Democrat, that the anti-Trump media succeeded in helping place in power, the media will simply "turn away" from covering this current crisis at the border.

Because if they don't, if they let us see the different treatment of these refugees seeking asylum vs. those refugees seeking asylum, the skin color distinction might be noticed.  So we are encouraged to look away.  Nobody is calling to have Haitian kids settled in their own school districts or communities now, are they?  Where are you now?  They will end up here, of course.  In poorer, "more affordable" communities and cities already struggling with racial problems between black natives and black immigrants...

Haiti has just announced:  they can't take in anymore of their own people who have successfully left the island, and been living abroad, in some cases, for years...

If the American public sees us "returning them" to a place some have not known since they were children, where some do not speak the language or have family or personal connections, it will put a dagger in the argument that "the Dreamers" cannot be deported to their native homelands as well.  What's good for the blacks, is good for the brown (and whites!) too, right?

 The saddest thing about this temporary Biden administration of four years is that by overpromising everything to everyone (our "working" moms, our gender-confused, our "allies", our migrant workforce, our blue-collar workers, our black and browns and non Whites of every stripe...) they will have shattered the few promises they might have kept.

We can have open borders, or we can have social programs that meet the needs of voting Americans who prioritize government spending. We can't have both.  Choose Biden's, and choose wisely in the coming days.  I suspect, this is the end of the road for the Big Bills, the extra spending money pumped into the economy, the "small businesses" and non-profits, and  the stock markets.

If it's good for you, where you're at, God bless and nevermind.  Pour yourself a nice tumbler, take a drag on your ciggy, and make sure the family trust is established for junior.  It's gonna be okay.  For us Whites, it always is, right?  Systemic privilege, white-skin bonus and all that.  Still, you kinda have to feel for the darker skinned folks who haven't sold out, and have no connections to clap for them, and blaze their future paths.

All they have is independence and faith to go on now.


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