Thursday, January 27

Two, or More, Wrongs Don't Make a Right.

 It's telling that media pundits trying to justify President Biden's exclusion of qualified candidates for the Court who don't meet his personal-characteristics ideal, point out President Reagan's promise to seat a woman to the Court.

No, we haven't forgotten.  But we've railed -- all through the years -- of diminishing woman's achievements by honoring "the historic first" even twenty years later.  If you're good, you're good.  Put the best people up to do the work. (Usually they end up doing it anway.) Then it won't matter so much when they jump categories, and you'll have some air remaining in the room that hasn't been sucked out by history for the new people coming up.

*insert condescending, clapping hands icons here for the historic hires!  Believe it or not, that's somebody's job...


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