Sunday, February 13

God Bless the "Ukranians" but...

Practical Americans today are more concerned with the effects of officers clearing out Canadian truckers amassing at the borders than we are with Russians allegedly preparing to invade ethnic "Ukraine" in a conflict that more concerns the globalist who fear a world where America is no longer a protector of all, including unconditionally our allies, and more countries face the consequences of their demographics and geopolitics in years to come...

Perhaps parity indeed is the answer to peace.  Not universally aligning for permanent war skirmishes, too often sold as simply "mowing the lawn" at such a cost, indeed.  *Pray for Peace, People Everywhere...

In Canada, and the Donbas then.  Keep the guns out of their hands, instead of circulating the violence and making the suffering last even longer, like we're doing in Syria...

America will learn, one way or another, to mind its business.  And this Sunday, that's about what's taking place at the Canadian border, not the worldwide posturing over a Russian satellite region that affects Europe's businesses more than our own.

(This is where Hunter Biden's involvement in that pipeline / energy deal interests me.  But that story, for whatever reason, appears to be buried deep.  How Biden's involvement in the MarchToWar is affected by behind-the-scenes facts.   

Seems more relevant than he was flushing what way back when before he legally left office...  That's why they call it news reporting, not book writing.  What have you reported on timely, lately?

And most importantly, what are we missing?