Tuesday, February 1

What Wordle's Success Tells Us About College-Educated Whites:

1)  Please please, pat them on the head already for their daily accomplishment...  Please?  Did you see what they did there?

2) Conformity, thy name is mood rings, pet rocks, yoga pantsPokeman cards, Harry Potter novels, Wordle.  Nothing this segment of Americana likes more than to climb up on a big bandwagon with millions of other strangers, get intimate and cozy, and find their people.  For now.  There's another bandwagon coming shortly, they say.  Always is.

3) For non math and science people, this is the ultimate verbal intelligence competition.  There's even a number score to legitimate the competition!  Save your stats and study them to detect a pattern in personal growth.  Predict your upcoming performance and venture a theory why you fall short.  It's the ultimate pollster pundit racetrack handicapping game and the horse whose performance is being measured and shown is you!   What is not to like, it's the trifecta of ego stroking for those Americans turned off by the news hate of late, who prefer to draw inward and ... challenge themselves.

(Sourdough starter never did it for me either. Stick with what brung ya.  Me? I'm gonna wait for the movie to catch up on the newest news trend making business news, sporting/gaming content, and industry transformation analysis, as well.  That sale, coupled with the exodus of so many promising talents -- while others cling to the mainstream masthead while scouting new markets for themselves and double-dipping where they can get away with it and enhance their new homes -- is a strong tell about the changing role of the American legacy news media from information gathering and straight news reporting to more entertainment channels opening new markets globally.

The frogs have been slowly getting warmer in the pot, but sales like that one -- investments in the future -- demonstrate clearly the idea that news becomes most profitable and perhaps entertaining too when the pot is brought to a boil.  I hope the remaining frogs are ready to leap, if need be.  They cut copyeditors, but spend millions to welcome the functionally fine, independent Wordle.

Somebody ran the numbers that told them that was a wise move.  

"Have a cigar, you're gonna go far!"