Sunday, April 3

Bucha Who-ka?


Don't look now, but we got innocent civilians being massacred here at home every weekend on the streets of OUR country.  Maybe we'd do better to invest our resources fighting crimes here at home before the media goes annointing Joe Biden leader of the free world and investing American resources in fighting crimes -- war crimes! -- everywhere else around the world?

Let's start rebuilding our own nation before we help yet another country break up theirs?

* It's kind of funny how Joe Biden was calling for taking out Putin and calling him a war criminal even before the war crimes of Bucha came to light... He put the cart before the horse so to speak, but now.  Now there's a good reason -- can't you see? -- to call for Putin's assassination and regime change in Russia.

We must avenge the deaths in Bucha!
This cannot stand!
(cue Joe up for another powerful speech then...)

Again:    America First, then when our own crime problem is solved, we swoop in to save the day in Ukraine?  Talk like this is just cheap talk:
We turn our back on decency and the human rights of others if we choose not to stand with Ukraine. Civilians are being murdered. Russia’s actions are unjust. New information from Bucha is horrific. This conflict must end. Putin must be held accountable. #StandWithUkraine


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