Wednesday, April 6

Build, Baby, Build!


A New Surge of Ukrainians at U.S. Border

More than 2,000 have reached the U.S. border with Mexico, where an expected spike in migration from other countries will raise tough questions: Who gets priority?


Oh God, it's the Hunger Games come to America with the Upper Classes content to let them in and compete for survival in today's housing market.

Please start thinking about where all these newcomers will find housing once you let them in, and who will be displaced here at home to accommodate them?

This is going to be like Andersonville soon in some places... (pack 'em in, pack 'em in, pack 'em in...)  

Then more violence likely...  Hunger, deprivations and mental illness will do that to a peoples, never thought we'd see these conditions in America today with so much refusal to even see what is happening out here.


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