Friday, April 29

I'm Glad I Don't Live and Prosper in the New Deadly World.

 Americans with wealth who buy into this... I am glad I am not them.

Give it 20 years, we will see who is hardened and dying inside... 

I suppose, when they have families and distractions, they choose differently.

#Freedoms  Best thing about America is still our freedoms of choice...

Even if we choose not to support this, and they roll right over us, at least we have not sold our souls.  Those that have, whose children no doubt will benefit by the unchecked aggressions and desire to kill and cheat to advance their own... we will see in time who carries more the cost of hatred in their hearts, and who lives simply, alive and still free.

#ThankGodforHisGoodness #AsForMeAndMineWeWillServeTheLord  

#AMarathonNotASprint   #DeadlyActsCostTheAggressorsTheirSouls


ADDED:  Those with big money are just playing the rest of us for patsies now

The Wall Street Journal
The U.S. Should Show It Can Win a Nuclear War

So stupid they are about the important things in life... LIFE!

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, 
but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written,
 “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.
Romans 12:19  KJV