Tuesday, October 25

Honestly tho? Didn't "polling as a scientifically accepted method" kinda go out back in the high-school mall days...

 when everyone was approached in the enclosed areas outside the stores by paid people with clipboards asking personal questions?  Sure it was fun at first, interacting with those NateSilver-type guys, but you soon learned to steer clear, just like you learn to politely not open your door to the travelling bands of Jehovah's Witnesses if you're not interested in being part of the product.

In addition, didn't we learn back in high school -- when the group projects in the social sciences always seemed to involve circulating "questionnaires" -- that pretty much everyone lied/exaggerated to have fun, show solidarity, or otherwise just skew the results for the kids crunching the numbers to reach the conclusions (sometimes, done by the concluders themselves?)

Maybe I just went to a street-smart school like that.  Polling never worked, people, even less so now with avoidance technology, competition for time, and people who understand better how to help skew those results with straight-faced answers.

In conclusion, please don't freak out if the election results do not show in November what the polls have perhaps erroneously led you to believe with the numbers they have collected.  

Most Americans are past that, I think.  Polls are like malls now, really, in America. Less and less relevant every passing year...


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