It's Not So Much the One Position that Lesser Qualified Candidates Take...
It's that they undercut the truly qualified and pull in people after them that are less qualified too because truly competitive candidates would blow the patronage system to smithereens not through violence or protests or symbolic actions, but because their solutions simply work better in reality. It takes an awful lot of effort to cover for lesser qualified employees. We see that now out here where we're at. Do you? What changes have YOU made to the world your parents knew and came of age in, and are preparing to hand down to you? Did your work make it better for others via more equal opportunities... or did you just take part in selecting and welcoming a lesser-qualified "jackpot candidate" because of all you've been blessed with (and likely feel guilty for possessing, knowing there are stronger candidates out there that simply never were given as many "opportunities" as your parents took for you?
A.J. (sic) Sulzberger; looking at you, buddy. Hire talent, not plucking jackpot winners to reinforce your grandpa's echo chamber. The future's coming for the rich men, too.
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