Thursday, October 6

The Arrogance of the Unintelligent Astounds

 Matthew Yglesias

There’s a conceit in anti-anti-Russian circles that they are the only ones who recognize that the war is economically damaging or that a nuclear exchange would be very bad when I’m pretty sure that’s not actually what anyone is disagreeing about.


The American people who don't want their tax dollars wasted for years to come on the ... Ukrainian defense forces are not the ones taking money to feed their familes by spewing their pro-war opinions all over the press -- mainstream and newsletter pundits. 

Look in the mirror Matt who is costing our country, and doesn't really have the expertise, nor the track record, of earning his punditry keep...  (Not impressed that Nick "the rules shouldn't apply" Kristof is impressed by Matt's work.)  (Yglesias -- sounds like a Hispanic name, underrepresented in the industry, no? *wink*  Some voices get more points added to their worth than others.)

If ya don't want to see America fund a nuclear war, SPEAK OUT.  Use your platform and your journalism skills to report where the money is going.  You're in DC... what you waiting for?  If you can see what's coming, and you're taking money as a paid professional journalist, where are your intellectual persuasive skills to effect Change?

Or you just gonna ride the gravy train down to feed your offspring?  Nttawwt, but please don't talk down to the doers, Matt.   We're sick of having to pay for your work.

Stop making excuses for Congress.  Let's have all American voters have a voice on whether we think our taxdollars are being wasted, or well spent, allegedly liberating Ukraine.  Keep pushing, Pootie Pootie Poot into a corner, you fools!

You've got job security, and surely DC families will be unaffected by what's happening over there. Some might even be enriched by these endless wars we support.  You in, Yglesias?  Locked in good, I bet?  Stay safe, and pray the Russians love their children too? *wink* 


"We Americans have to pre-emptively fund other people's civil wars, and attack other countries, because it protects us here at home.  We have to stand up for democracy all over the world by sacrificing our domestic needs to "free" others, protect their women and children and all.  We Americans are so good at policing and making guns, we are going to export our goods everywhere... and threaten to take the self-defense protections away from the people of America if they disagree with our government leaders who keep leading us into these international crises, with ouR superpower funding to make them even bigger and deadlier than if America had chosen respectfully to mind our bidness and sit this one out."

Not our fight, not our defense, not in our interests to keep another war going for years and years and years for allegedly patriotic, but not practical, purposes.

Make no mistake:  this would have ended much sooner had American tax dollars not been continuously shoveled in to making the killings increase.  "We have to destroy the country to liberate it."

Only old men support force over reason, and killing other people to protect their own livlihooods.  We're not afraid of being called unpatriotic for pointing out:  if the US is courting a "small" nuclear exchange that won't touch us over here, those deaths are on us too.

Man up, boyos, and own what you're having the rest of us pay for.  Again, the American voters aren't in this to win it.  It's not our fight, and we're actually channelling a lot of money to "the bad guys" to secure a win against Putin.  Too bad men of reason and brains have been displaced for the chest beaters and armchair pundits who have bills to pay, and aren't really the influencers the establishment today pretends...