Monday, October 17

Will American Voters turn out next month to save the Global Economy?*

 (see transcript below*It's in the Way that you Frame It (the issues/the narrative)

God Bless Joe Biden, in the end.  His Honesty, in blurting what is being said behind the scenes -- whether it be on legalizing gay marriage (via the Obama strategic SCOTUS picks) or revealing the elite Democratic party people's true concerns (the global economy), Shall Set Him Free (of DC.  In the end, it will be a blessing to his memory, I think...)

God Bless Ya, Joe.  In his honesty, at least he owns it:  the global-economy platform that represents the Dem party operating in America today. But voters here know:  It's not helping the equality -- or economic competitiveness -- of our own country, our own citizens, here at home.

Resign now and they'll let you have all the ice cream you want, whenever you want it, and lots of nice friendly people who will listen to you too 24/7, cameras off, with your best interests at heart.  (I don't think Miss Jill and Hunter really do.)

  Godspeed, Joe.  Kamala and the team can temporarily take it from here...  Trust in the Process.


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