Thursday, January 26

He wants Tanks. He wants F-1 Fighters.*

He's gonna want Soldiers and Nukes, soon...

Flags for America's Fallen...

You people know how Escalation works, right?

Mr. "I'm so cute with my hand out..." is going to trigger the next world war.  Don't you kinda wish he would have left Ukraine a year ago and let the people there work this out for themselves?


* Isn't this kinda a way of putting all these weapons on the free market, without America having to accept responsibility for where they end up?  Talk about selling out our future.  You only cheer this is you don't know History, and don't understand Man.

There's a better way, people, really... Don't let the war-mongers take power and cost us our freedoms, again. Use those voices to say, Nope!  Kill with what you got, or make your own...  (He's not really that cute:  the face is too round and fat.  Comedian, people.  No training for winning a war, or pursuing diplomacy.  Wife likes to shop.  Don't worship the little man... 5'7".  Do you want your grandsons to die for this guy? Hm.)

girls, girls, girls...

He's gonna leave Ukraine like Afghanistan...
Anybody remember? Hello??


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